Sweater Weather
Also October brings us Scenty's newest Seasonal Scentsation, Coconut Pumpkin Pie *insert Homer Simpson drool*

It promises pumpkin puree, nutmeg, maple sugar and coconut shavings and boy does it deliver. This is a fragrance for those of you out there who like your gourmand fragrances; your warm and rich and foody scents.
When I got my advance 6 pack of this bar in September, I got a terrible cold. (Thanks back to school!) I couldn't smell anything, but as my sense of smell came back and I started sending samples out, my nose action came back and it was glorious. This scent is STRONG. It is not for the faint of heart and it is syrupy and delicious. If you'd like to try it, please get in touch!

Karen McNay Kerans
07875 744 536